Our first members-only Fans’ Forum of the season is with manager Paul Ince and Head of Football Operations Mark Bowen. It’s on Thursday 11th August in the Princess Suite, SCL Stadium, starting at 7pm. This years STAR members – exiles and those not able to attend in person – can also email chair@star-reading.org to receive registration details for remote access to the event via zoom. Please send any questions you would like asked there to chair@star-reading.org.
Our AGM will be on Thursday 1st September. It will be a brief meeting, but an important one as the STAR Board will be asking the membership to approve a modernised set of rules. Our current rules are based on a model 20 years old. The changes aren’t dramatic – but are necessary.
Please also note:
- 150 years of Reading FC Exhibition at Reading Museum, Blagrave St, closes on Saturday 13th August – last chances to see a unique collection (not open Mondays)
- STAR’s Reading FC Hall of Fame presentation, Sunday 25th September, 7.30pm, SCL Stadium