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Select Car Leasing Stadium, Behind East Stand

STAR’S 2020 Tour of Remembrance


Thursday 4th June 2020 – Saturday 6th June 2020

Supporter’s Trust at Reading are once again organising a remembrance trip to the battlefields, cemeteries and memorials of Europe. After visiting the Normandy Beaches and Somme regions of France on our last tour we will be concentrating on Belgium’s Ypres region this time.

Our tour will start from Madejski Stadium on Thursday 4th June 2020 were we will be boarding our Horseman’s Executive Tour Coach. As with previous tours this will be an early start so we can arrive at Dover in plenty of time to board our ferry for the voyage across the English Channel. This will allow plenty of time for a hearty breakfast and a walk around the deck before arriving at Calais.

We have reserved rooms at an Ypres hotel close to the centre for both nights. As always the hotel will be modern, clean and comfortable. This means that restaurants and the town centre will be within easy walking distance.

Over the tour’s three days we plan to trace the footsteps of 5 of our Reading players who died in action in the Ypres area plus attending the Last Post ceremonies at the Menin Gate and Berkshire Memorial. Other relevant places of interest will also be visited.

The tour will arrive back at Madejski Stadium on the evening of Saturday 6th June 2020.

Cost for the tour has been set at £300 per person which can be paid for in a single instalment or over 3 instalments of £100 per instalment. The price covers coach travel throughout, ferry crossings, hotel (bed and breakfast), tea, coffee, bottled water and biscuits on the coach, plus a copy of our comprehensive information book.

As always this tour is open to everyone who wishes to join us (you do not have to be a STAR member for this tour) but is limited to between 40 – 42 people. Spaces are filling up fast so if you are interested please contact us at or or visit STAR Base behind East Stand of Madejski Stadium. Ask for Mel Bishop or Pete Vickery for more details.