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Luton Town Programme Notes

Today we hear from  – Pete Vickery

Most wars are caused by a dictator of some description inflicting their usually Ill-judged will on to other people of their nation or other nations. The First World War and the Second World War were no exception.  In both cases the populace and innocents bore the brunt of the conflict in protecting their country from the aggressors, while the dictator stood back believing his cause was correct and just. Many died, were maimed or scarred for life both physically and mentally.

Last year marked the end of the First World War which we here at STAR marked in our remembrance service when we quite rightly honoured each of our Reading Football Club players, who selflessly gave their lives for what he felt was correct to protect the way of life for those who were to follow in the future.

This year we mark the 75th Anniversary of the Second World War D-Day landings on the beaches in Normandy when our troops once more put their lives at risk for the better of others and their nations. Once again many died, were maimed or scarred for life both physically and mentally. Here at Reading Football Club we unfortunately lost Frank Ibbotson, not in the initial landings, but a few days after the landings. He was killed in action and buried in Normandy close to where he fell. During STAR’s 2017 tour of remembrance we visited his grave at La Delivrande War Cemetery and laid a wreath from all at Reading Football Club. At the base of his headstone the following is written, ‘HIS LIFE A BEAUTIFUL MEMORY. HIS ABSENCE A SILENT GRIEF.’

It is important that we do not forget the Players, Officials and numerous Reading Supporters we lost  during the years of war by reducing or belittling  the short remembrance ceremony we have here at our Remembrance Wall each year or forgetting them completely.

The wise dictator owns up to the errors of their ways, The unwise dictators are eventually defeated and those who died and maimed, remembered.


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